Sunday, June 15, 2008

1st day June 16,2008

Dear Emo monster,

This is our first day of class in school year 2008-2009. I came here at school around 1:10pm, I thought i was late but we are the first student in our class arrived and enter this room.Before I enter the room I took first the scheduled of this class in the lubby. Then we came here inside our room and meet our teacher.Our teacher is non other than MR.JOHN DOSEJO,and he will discussed to us about Graphic Animation.

He give us tasks to do this day. First, is to join yahoo groups by onlining.
Then,I join thae group and Last is to make a folders.There are 3 current folders belong in this file such as the Corel draw,Photoshop and the Swishmax.And I make a my own blogspot. That's all we make this day.

" I hope it will be the day that I can Learn more things about this subject"


''Not all people
thats good to you are true, Learn to keep secret, provide boundary to your
conversation. coz you'll never know when a dead snake turns into a poisonous bitch''..

God has put me where I am for a reason, and given me the

abilities needed to make a difference..

I did my best and leave a trail that others can follow..


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